
Easter Sunday

Surprisingly, I had a great Easter Sunday, even though the first half of my break had been somewhat miserable, since all my friends had either left or were on silent retreat, so pretty much all I had to do was play computer games, which is fun at first but gets boring after a few days. You know you're bored when you start cleaning your room to the point that you organize your pens in the drawer by color. (ok, so I never got quite that desperate)
Anyways, Easter Vigil Mass was beautiful, and they did all 8 of the Old Testament readings, which Father said in his homily gave us some small idea of how long the Israelites were waiting. There weren't any baptisms or confirmations, but once again, there were alot of tutor families there, so it was quite crowded. After Mass, we had what they called a "brunch" but as someone (I can't remember who) pointed out, it was almost the farthest you could get from a brunch, since it was at 2 am. Anyways, it was quite delicious, and afterwards we cleared out the tables and danced almost till dawn.
Right before dawn alot of the students headed up to the painter's shack, where we watched the sunrise and sang Easter hymns.
Sahsa, a future freshman whom I met through Joe, had very kindly invited me over to her house at the dance, since I had nowhere else to go for Easter dinner, and Johnathan Teichert drove me over there at about 1.
I was somewhat surprised that I was the only one there bseides Sahsa, her sister Stephanie, and Mr. and Mrs. Bunjak (at least fro several hours), but we had a great time. Sahs'a parents were quite interesting, I talked wih them both about the Terri Schaivo case at lenght, and with Mr. Bunjak for severalhours about his Slovak ancestry, and the Byzantine Easter Traditions of the Byzantine Rite history in general, and also viewed his stamp collection.
Then we had Easter dinner at about 4:30 which consisted of some excellent German sausages, Slovakian ham, a beet-horseradish sauce made by Mr. Bunjak, and some easter cupcakes for dessert. (apparently the Teichert's had borrowed their Lamb Cake mold, so they decided to have cupcakes instead)
The Bunjak's friends, the Embreys, arrived a couple hours late at about 5, and we played a very fun game, where Mrs. Bunjak hid 14 common items, like a fork, a toothpick, a paperclip, and such stuff in their living room in plain sight, and then we were told what items were hidden, and atemped to find them. It sounds quite simple, but the items were disguised in such a way that you would not think notice them at all on first glance, even though you know what you were looking for, and when you finally realized it, you could almost smash your head against a wall for not seeing it any of the previous 5 times you looked at it. it took us 40 minutes to an hour to find them all (since we were all on different teams, and you didn't pick up the item when you found it, but just marked it off your list so the other people could find it).
After that, we talked for awhile more about the Terri Schaivo case (which I am getting somewhat tired of hearing about, I talked about it with my mom for about an hour on monday, and just got an email from her with 10 links to articles about it, which I am diligently plowing through like the obedient son I am, after which I don't think I want to hear about it again till it's over and done with.), and then viewed the Bunjak's slides from their several trips to the Holy Land. To be honest, I only remember a few of them, because I was falling asleep at the time scratching the head of their dog, Bailey, since I had gotten about 9 hours of sleep in the past 4 days.
The Embrey's left at about 9, and after discussing the Schaivo case again for another half hour the Bunjaks were going to go to bed, so Sasha drove me over the the Teicherts', who had had a huge party that evening with something like 55 students at their house, which is more students then were on campus over break I think (since many students who were at home, but in the immediate area came to their party).
While there, we watched "The Incredibles," which is a great movie by Pixar, hilarious, and filled with good family morals. We watched some of the extra features afterwards, and one, called "Jack-Jack Attack," was particularly hilarious. I drove back to campus in the suburban driven by Henry Teichert, and all of us in the car were given a demonstration of the powerful engine, superb traction, and speedy driving skills on Henry, who got us back to campus 4 minutes before curfew.

Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

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