Computer Room
St Bernadine Library
Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, California
Next, I arrived on campus and found out I was in the Sts. Peter and Paul dorm (the newest guys dorm, yay!) and that Will Bertain, who I met at the summer program, was my roommate. I met his parents, talked to him, and unpacked till about 5, and met Mary Rose Malloy, Mary Seitz, Pete Turrentine, and David Six on the way to dinner. Mary Rose was very disappointed that I had been on campus for 3 hours without hugging her. :roll:
The freshman barbeque was very fun, I met a ton of people I had known from the summer program, instead of moving to a new place it felt like coming home, because everywhere I turned I saw another face I remembered. I found out that out of the 82 people who came to the Summer Program last year, 35 ended up at the college.


These are all people I knew from the summer program, Mary Rose Malloy on the Left, Joe Ferrier in the Jester hat (he'll be a freshman next year) Tim Moore (on the right in the blue shirt), Pete Turrentine (in the red shirt) and his gf Mary Seitz (in the lower right).
After the barbaque I had a great Ultimate Frisbee game with Will, David, Pete, Slim (Ardem Mills), and Mike.
Later on we went to Freshman Orientation, where Assistant Dean McLean gave us all of the rules and guidelines, most of which was a review because we were given a handbook that I already read.
So I just hung around in the commons for awhile after that, and actually got engrossed in a long discussion over art with some guys. They were arguing that all art was subjective, in addition to beauty and the goodness of any piece of art. I took the view that because beauty is truth, and truth is God, and God is not subjective; therefore beauty and art are not subjective. At one point a senior came up and made a very good point (supporting my side), that some art is better than others because of what it represents, a piece of art which represents a saint or a human intrinsically is higher than a piece of art which portrays an animals or still life. And in addition to the subject of the portrayal/representation, another part of art which affects its goodness is the quality of the presentation.
Katie (the senior, at least I think that was her name) shortly became somewhat frustrated with us and left. That’s when Katie Milton (sophmore whom I know on BOL) came over and explained that though it wasn’t at all wrong for us to debate such hard question, we probably wouldn’t reach any agreement until we had gone over more basic things and built a foundation of definitions upon which we could work. So Freshman year is just about defining thing, and we don’t actually come to many conclusions.
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