
Tuesday, August 24
We had our first real classes today. I had Philosophy class at 9:30, during which we discussed Plato’s “Meno,” specifically concentrating not on the definition of virtue, but on what makes up a good definition. After that, I had my first work/study period, which consisted of inspecting/cleaning my bathroom and finding out that it was in miserable shape. However, by lunchtime it was at least presentable.

Lab was after lunch, on the first thee chapters of Fabre with Mr. Neumayr, one of the founders of the college. It was interesting, because he did talk a bit more than the other tutors I’ve had, but he still let the discussion pretty much take it’s course. We spent much of the time trying to learn about the intellect of insects, or actually whether they had any, separate from instinct.

After that I had my first lesson in how to clean bathrooms. Like I didn’t know that from home. :roll:
Oh well, at least I got a key to my kingdom (the maintenance closet in the upper left of Sts. Peter and Paul Dorm).

Later on we had Seminar on the Iliad. We discussed why Agamemnon and Achilles quarreled because of honor. It was pretty funny when our tutor, Mr. Quakenbush, compared the soldiers to the droids in Episode I of Star Wars. He said it was like the Gods plugged the batteries back into them and made them fight again.
I wound down the evening by playing Ping-Pong and Foosball. I beat Tommy Duffy in Foosball, and several other people, and lost a couple times in ping-pong. Eventually I’ll win, if the saying “Practice makes perfect” is true, but so far I've lost 8 games.


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