
I'm skipping Saturday the 28 for now, because it was a big day and I haven't typed it all up yet. I'll tell you to look down there v when I post it.

Monday, August 30

A day of a few brief random thoughts:

Theology Class, Mr. Paietta: “What is similar about Nehemiah (from Nehemiah), Biblay the Shuhite (from Job), and the people who fell asleep on their watch (from the Gospels)?”
[put your guess in the little comment box down there V]

Pete Turrentine, study period in library: "I need to get a Miraculous Medal to attach to my Scapular, y’know? It’s like drinks, they’re stronger when mixed."

Me, study period in library: “We really discuss useful topics here. Like whether or not zero is a number.” :roll:

Also, Pete has a cat for a girlfriend. Want proof?

1. Purs when petted. (involuntarily)
2. Has green eyes.
3. Bites.
4. Scratches.
5. Curls up at people’s feet (well, actually only Pete’s).

Quod est demonstratum.

Not that he minds. ;)


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