
Written 09-21-2004, 1248
Room 34
Sts. Peter and Paul Dormitory
Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, California

Well, for the past 2 days I’ve been way to busy to type up anything for my blog. It turns out that there were actually 3 other girls on that shuttle who were going to TAC, Gwyneth, Katherine (from Canada, eh?), and ?. We had a fun discussion with the prefect who drove us about whether the Civil War was justified (both the prefect and Gwyneth are from Virginia), and after having a meal at the Mexican restaurant the discussion turned to whether or not President Bush was a good man and a good president. I think that everybody agreed that President Bush was trying to be a good man, but Katherine and I were the only ones who thought he was a good president. It was rather interesting arguing against Americans with a Canadian that the American president was good. Katherine had an interesting perspective on how people outside of the United States viewed us. She said the Canadians hated the United States, not because the U.S. was arrogant of invaded Iraq, but because they viewed the US as a Christian country with a Christian president who tried to be moral, and they just couldn’t stand that. Kinda strange.


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