Tuesday, August 31
Today was a pretty good day, I only had one class in the morning, so I had time to write a few emails and read some of the Iliad after Mass before Philosophy. I’m getting used to Mr. Richards style of philosophy by now, but I’m still trying to figure out the best way to contribute to the class. He seems to guide the class through the reading using the Socratic method, but like Socrates, his questions seem so simple that it almost seems wrong to answer them because you sound like you know better than the rest of the class. Usually it ends up being me and 5 other people answer most of his question. Occasionally he’ll pause for a bit and let us debate amongst ourselves before we continue on to the next point made in the book. That’s when more openings come for discussion and independent ideas not essentially parroted from the book. (They’re not many different ways to answer “What did Socrates say in refutation of Protagoras’ argument that virtue can taught based on human practice?” Essentially all he seems to want us to do it restate it in our own words.)
[Funny note: on the board before class began there was some stuff left over from last class, including the words, “Magnum Patrem.” Tommy Duffy wrote after that “= Father’s Smith and Wesson.” All the guys laughed, but none of the girls got it until we explained.]
My afternoon class was lab with Dr. Neumayr. I still haven’t found much of a difference between his lecture style and his classroom style, but I did learn something important at lunch. Mary Rose and I were talking to some upper classmen, and they said that he actually likes to be interrupted. It seems that he really dislikes it when there is any silence in his class, so he solves that problem by talking all the time. However, they said he likes students to speak up as long as he’s not in the middle of an important point, so perhaps that class will become more interesting as the year goes on. For now though, Mose sits next to me so she can kick me if I fall asleep.
Which she has no compunction in doing.
My shin hurt.
After class Mary Rose and I headed down to the ponds so finish reading the Iliad. Actually, I don’t think either of us got more than 10 pages done, because we talked for about an hour and a half while I rocked her in the hammock. What with the subjects we covered, I think that was probably a better use of my time than studying, because I was still able to skim the last couple books before dinner and seminar.
Seminar concentrated mostly on book 9 of the Iliad, where a delegation was sent from Agamemnon to Achilles trying to convince him to regain the fight against the Trojans and offering him great gifts and honor if he did so. We analyzed Achilles reasons for refusing and how he responded to each of the people who came to plead the Achaians. As Mr. Quackenbush, our tutor (yes, it is a rather odd name, isn’t it?), said, “We have Odysseus, the wisest Greek warrior, who says, “We beat Hector with our wits.” We have Aias, the strongest Greek warrior, who says, “We can’t beat Hector with our strength.” Finally, we have Phonoix, the Greek warrior dearest to Achilles, who says, “We *really* can’t beat them, now please help your dear friends.””
But of course, Achilles didn’t listen to any of them because of his hurt pride and also because at this point he was really getting kinda sick of war.
After seminar a dozen freshman went down to the third pond, built a fire in the chimney (actually I did that alone, and it was a very good fire, thank you very much *bows*), song songs with Nat playing the guitar, and roasted marshmallows. Quite fun, and we all smelt of wood smoke when we got back, not that that’s a bad smell.
Note to any unknowing readers who may be confused by some parts of the above post: Mary Rose and are very good friends but it is purely a platonic relationship (no pun intended).
[sorry to disappoint your gossip-mill, Moe, but she has a boyfriend already. :P]
I'm skipping Saturday the 28 for now, because it was a big day and I haven't typed it all up yet. I'll tell you to look down there v when I post it.
Monday, August 30
A day of a few brief random thoughts:
Theology Class, Mr. Paietta: “What is similar about Nehemiah (from Nehemiah), Biblay the Shuhite (from Job), and the people who fell asleep on their watch (from the Gospels)?”
[put your guess in the little comment box down there V]
Pete Turrentine, study period in library: "I need to get a Miraculous Medal to attach to my Scapular, y’know? It’s like drinks, they’re stronger when mixed."
Me, study period in library: “We really discuss useful topics here. Like whether or not zero is a number.” :roll:
Also, Pete has a cat for a girlfriend. Want proof?
1. Purs when petted. (involuntarily)
2. Has green eyes.
3. Bites.
4. Scratches.
5. Curls up at people’s feet (well, actually only Pete’s).
Quod est demonstratum.
Not that he minds. ;)
Monday, August 30
A day of a few brief random thoughts:
Theology Class, Mr. Paietta: “What is similar about Nehemiah (from Nehemiah), Biblay the Shuhite (from Job), and the people who fell asleep on their watch (from the Gospels)?”
[put your guess in the little comment box down there V]
Pete Turrentine, study period in library: "I need to get a Miraculous Medal to attach to my Scapular, y’know? It’s like drinks, they’re stronger when mixed."
Me, study period in library: “We really discuss useful topics here. Like whether or not zero is a number.” :roll:
Also, Pete has a cat for a girlfriend. Want proof?
1. Purs when petted. (involuntarily)
2. Has green eyes.
3. Bites.
4. Scratches.
5. Curls up at people’s feet (well, actually only Pete’s).
Quod est demonstratum.
Not that he minds. ;)
Friday, August 27
Tonight we had to go to a lecture by Dr. Neumayr. I came here to avoid lectures! Oh well, one a month can’t be that bad, except for the fact that it was three hours long. He spoke on liberal education, knowledge, and the search for truth. I think he covered all of it too, several times. :roll:
Afterwards there was a pizza party...although they had to order pizza twice (What were they thinking, that twenty pizzas would feed a couple hundreds college students?), and more ping pong and foosball. I cleaned up on the foosball table, winning a total of nine games, two of which were me against two people.
And failed miserably at ping-pong again.
Tonight we had to go to a lecture by Dr. Neumayr. I came here to avoid lectures! Oh well, one a month can’t be that bad, except for the fact that it was three hours long. He spoke on liberal education, knowledge, and the search for truth. I think he covered all of it too, several times. :roll:
Afterwards there was a pizza party...although they had to order pizza twice (What were they thinking, that twenty pizzas would feed a couple hundreds college students?), and more ping pong and foosball. I cleaned up on the foosball table, winning a total of nine games, two of which were me against two people.
And failed miserably at ping-pong again.
Wednesday, August 25
Wahoo! Dancing tonight. I guess it’s tradition for the sophomores to hold informal dances for the freshman down by St. Augustine’s every Wednesday for at least the first semester. Pretty fun I’ll say.
I’m actually getting the beat down fairly well and now I can get some of the upper classmen to teach me new moves. Tonight I learned a basic dip and the proper way to do “The Pretzel.” I also learned it’s easier to do a dip with girls who are shorter than you. Fortunately a large majority of the girls in my class are, but there are a few exceptions.
Wahoo! Dancing tonight. I guess it’s tradition for the sophomores to hold informal dances for the freshman down by St. Augustine’s every Wednesday for at least the first semester. Pretty fun I’ll say.
I’m actually getting the beat down fairly well and now I can get some of the upper classmen to teach me new moves. Tonight I learned a basic dip and the proper way to do “The Pretzel.” I also learned it’s easier to do a dip with girls who are shorter than you. Fortunately a large majority of the girls in my class are, but there are a few exceptions.
Tuesday, August 24
We had our first real classes today. I had Philosophy class at 9:30, during which we discussed Plato’s “Meno,” specifically concentrating not on the definition of virtue, but on what makes up a good definition. After that, I had my first work/study period, which consisted of inspecting/cleaning my bathroom and finding out that it was in miserable shape. However, by lunchtime it was at least presentable.
Lab was after lunch, on the first thee chapters of Fabre with Mr. Neumayr, one of the founders of the college. It was interesting, because he did talk a bit more than the other tutors I’ve had, but he still let the discussion pretty much take it’s course. We spent much of the time trying to learn about the intellect of insects, or actually whether they had any, separate from instinct.
After that I had my first lesson in how to clean bathrooms. Like I didn’t know that from home. :roll:
Oh well, at least I got a key to my kingdom (the maintenance closet in the upper left of Sts. Peter and Paul Dorm).
Later on we had Seminar on the Iliad. We discussed why Agamemnon and Achilles quarreled because of honor. It was pretty funny when our tutor, Mr. Quakenbush, compared the soldiers to the droids in Episode I of Star Wars. He said it was like the Gods plugged the batteries back into them and made them fight again.
I wound down the evening by playing Ping-Pong and Foosball. I beat Tommy Duffy in Foosball, and several other people, and lost a couple times in ping-pong. Eventually I’ll win, if the saying “Practice makes perfect” is true, but so far I've lost 8 games.
We had our first real classes today. I had Philosophy class at 9:30, during which we discussed Plato’s “Meno,” specifically concentrating not on the definition of virtue, but on what makes up a good definition. After that, I had my first work/study period, which consisted of inspecting/cleaning my bathroom and finding out that it was in miserable shape. However, by lunchtime it was at least presentable.
Lab was after lunch, on the first thee chapters of Fabre with Mr. Neumayr, one of the founders of the college. It was interesting, because he did talk a bit more than the other tutors I’ve had, but he still let the discussion pretty much take it’s course. We spent much of the time trying to learn about the intellect of insects, or actually whether they had any, separate from instinct.
After that I had my first lesson in how to clean bathrooms. Like I didn’t know that from home. :roll:
Oh well, at least I got a key to my kingdom (the maintenance closet in the upper left of Sts. Peter and Paul Dorm).
Later on we had Seminar on the Iliad. We discussed why Agamemnon and Achilles quarreled because of honor. It was pretty funny when our tutor, Mr. Quakenbush, compared the soldiers to the droids in Episode I of Star Wars. He said it was like the Gods plugged the batteries back into them and made them fight again.
I wound down the evening by playing Ping-Pong and Foosball. I beat Tommy Duffy in Foosball, and several other people, and lost a couple times in ping-pong. Eventually I’ll win, if the saying “Practice makes perfect” is true, but so far I've lost 8 games.
Monday, August 23
Today was matriculation, so the Co-adjutant Bishop of Oakland came to say Mass this morning in the commons, and all the faculty were wearing their robes with their school colors on it. After Mass the faculty were introduces, the bishop gave some remarks, and the freshman went up and shook the hands of the president of the college and the bishop and signed our name in the book.

Mr. Dragoo taking the Oath of Loyalty. He's a new tutor, graduated in the same class as my teaching assistant for MoDG (Michaela Berquist), and is a really cool guy. I have him for language and we have alot of fun in that class.
Later we got our introduction to our slave/study program. Okay, it’s called work/study, and supposedly they do pay us, but we never see the money.
I was assigned to maintenance under John Minkel (Class of ’02), which means I get the glorious and fulfilling job of...............cleaning bathrooms.
It’s kinda the worst job on campus, but someone has to do it. I just hope I can transfer next year.
There are a few bright sides though, I set my own hours, work 10 feet from my dorm room, have access to dangerous chemicals, and get to use a high-power hose. (read: threaten people with hose)
I have to work 13 hours a week, so though my hours may vary I’ll typically work for an hour after morning classes before lunch (1100-1200) and another hour after early afternoon classes. (1430-1530)
Today was matriculation, so the Co-adjutant Bishop of Oakland came to say Mass this morning in the commons, and all the faculty were wearing their robes with their school colors on it. After Mass the faculty were introduces, the bishop gave some remarks, and the freshman went up and shook the hands of the president of the college and the bishop and signed our name in the book.

Mr. Dragoo taking the Oath of Loyalty. He's a new tutor, graduated in the same class as my teaching assistant for MoDG (Michaela Berquist), and is a really cool guy. I have him for language and we have alot of fun in that class.

Later we got our introduction to our slave/study program. Okay, it’s called work/study, and supposedly they do pay us, but we never see the money.
I was assigned to maintenance under John Minkel (Class of ’02), which means I get the glorious and fulfilling job of...............cleaning bathrooms.
It’s kinda the worst job on campus, but someone has to do it. I just hope I can transfer next year.
There are a few bright sides though, I set my own hours, work 10 feet from my dorm room, have access to dangerous chemicals, and get to use a high-power hose. (read: threaten people with hose)
I have to work 13 hours a week, so though my hours may vary I’ll typically work for an hour after morning classes before lunch (1100-1200) and another hour after early afternoon classes. (1430-1530)
Sunday, August 22
Today was our day off to explore, so explore I did. After 8:00 Mass, Amy (from Ireland), David Six, Mike, Amy, and I hiked our way up into the punchbowls in the mountains. We left at about 9:00, climbed past the avocado farm, oil wells, river, cliffs, and finally to the punchbowls, where we took a nice refreshing (read: extremely cold!) swim. Amy (from Ireland) and Mike went back down because they hadn’t finished their reading for tomorrow yet, but as David, Amy, and I were all caught up, so we attempted to find the waterslides above the punchbowls. The punchbowls were about 3 miles from the school, and I remembered the waterslides being about 2 miles further. However, after a mile and a half the trail split. I followed the little stream up, eventually figured out it wasn’t going to be there, then went a different way that met a larger river. We later learned that the was the way, but in order to follow it involved waist-deep wading or rock-climbing, and my companions were not as eager about scaling cliffs as I was. We headed back down eating the oranges Tim had thoughtfully provided and got back at a about 2 after walking approximately 12 miles.
Today was our day off to explore, so explore I did. After 8:00 Mass, Amy (from Ireland), David Six, Mike, Amy, and I hiked our way up into the punchbowls in the mountains. We left at about 9:00, climbed past the avocado farm, oil wells, river, cliffs, and finally to the punchbowls, where we took a nice refreshing (read: extremely cold!) swim. Amy (from Ireland) and Mike went back down because they hadn’t finished their reading for tomorrow yet, but as David, Amy, and I were all caught up, so we attempted to find the waterslides above the punchbowls. The punchbowls were about 3 miles from the school, and I remembered the waterslides being about 2 miles further. However, after a mile and a half the trail split. I followed the little stream up, eventually figured out it wasn’t going to be there, then went a different way that met a larger river. We later learned that the was the way, but in order to follow it involved waist-deep wading or rock-climbing, and my companions were not as eager about scaling cliffs as I was. We headed back down eating the oranges Tim had thoughtfully provided and got back at a about 2 after walking approximately 12 miles.
Friday, August 20
Today we had our first practice classes with our “section” and “seminar” classmates. My section who I’ll be having class with every day includes Nels Mikkelson, Mary Rose Malloy, Kitty Jensen, Tommy Duffy, Enzo Salvaggi (born in Italy, educated in France), Lisa Gerrity, Dominic Hayden, Mark McLean, (the last two were in my section in the summer program last year), Helen Freer (from Australia), Claire Kaupke, Sean Pope, Hannah Russell, Scott Martin, and Paula...oops...I can't remember her last name. Oh well, exppect to be seeing those names fairly frequently here, I'm sure we'll hvae some fun disscussions in class.
Our class was on C.S. Lewis writings about education during wartime, in which he debated with the people who thought that learning during wartime was frivolous. He explained his point of view that there are certain cultural actions which men will do anywhere. “Men are different. They propound mathematical theorems in beleaguered cities, conduct metaphysical arguments in condemned cells, makes jokes on scaffolds, and com their hair at Thermopylae. This is not panache: it is our nature.” (this was quoted at least 4 times in our class). He went further to explain that since humans have a desire for knowledge and beauty, God must have intended this desire to be fulfilled (St Thomas Aquinas used a similar proof to prove that Adam and Eve had marital relations in Eden). And the proper way to fulfill this desire is though education, because even though apparently there may be more important things which demand our attention, we cannot concentrate on them all the time.

Katie Milton, a prefect I knew from BOL, at the freshmen "Soiree."

Andrew Norton, a prefect (junior) I knew from the summer program, sportin' some stylish headgear at the "Soiree."
Tonight we also had our first dancing lessons. Traditionally the sophomores teach the freshman how to dance, so several of them set up a boombox down by St Augustine’s hall in the walkway and taught about 20 of us the basics of swing dancing. The last time I danced was at the MI New Year’s Young Adult’s Retreat, so it was great to get back in the swing of things (sorry for the pun). I had forgotten how fun dancing was though, so this year one of my non-scholastic goals will be to get much better at it. Some of the sophomores are extremely good, and most of them didn’t know how to dance before they came here, so I figure if I practice enough I can get that good.
Today we had our first practice classes with our “section” and “seminar” classmates. My section who I’ll be having class with every day includes Nels Mikkelson, Mary Rose Malloy, Kitty Jensen, Tommy Duffy, Enzo Salvaggi (born in Italy, educated in France), Lisa Gerrity, Dominic Hayden, Mark McLean, (the last two were in my section in the summer program last year), Helen Freer (from Australia), Claire Kaupke, Sean Pope, Hannah Russell, Scott Martin, and Paula...oops...I can't remember her last name. Oh well, exppect to be seeing those names fairly frequently here, I'm sure we'll hvae some fun disscussions in class.
Our class was on C.S. Lewis writings about education during wartime, in which he debated with the people who thought that learning during wartime was frivolous. He explained his point of view that there are certain cultural actions which men will do anywhere. “Men are different. They propound mathematical theorems in beleaguered cities, conduct metaphysical arguments in condemned cells, makes jokes on scaffolds, and com their hair at Thermopylae. This is not panache: it is our nature.” (this was quoted at least 4 times in our class). He went further to explain that since humans have a desire for knowledge and beauty, God must have intended this desire to be fulfilled (St Thomas Aquinas used a similar proof to prove that Adam and Eve had marital relations in Eden). And the proper way to fulfill this desire is though education, because even though apparently there may be more important things which demand our attention, we cannot concentrate on them all the time.

Katie Milton, a prefect I knew from BOL, at the freshmen "Soiree."

Andrew Norton, a prefect (junior) I knew from the summer program, sportin' some stylish headgear at the "Soiree."

Tonight we also had our first dancing lessons. Traditionally the sophomores teach the freshman how to dance, so several of them set up a boombox down by St Augustine’s hall in the walkway and taught about 20 of us the basics of swing dancing. The last time I danced was at the MI New Year’s Young Adult’s Retreat, so it was great to get back in the swing of things (sorry for the pun). I had forgotten how fun dancing was though, so this year one of my non-scholastic goals will be to get much better at it. Some of the sophomores are extremely good, and most of them didn’t know how to dance before they came here, so I figure if I practice enough I can get that good.
Written 09-22-2004, 1532
Computer Room
St Bernadine Library
Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, California
Next, I arrived on campus and found out I was in the Sts. Peter and Paul dorm (the newest guys dorm, yay!) and that Will Bertain, who I met at the summer program, was my roommate. I met his parents, talked to him, and unpacked till about 5, and met Mary Rose Malloy, Mary Seitz, Pete Turrentine, and David Six on the way to dinner. Mary Rose was very disappointed that I had been on campus for 3 hours without hugging her. :roll:
The freshman barbeque was very fun, I met a ton of people I had known from the summer program, instead of moving to a new place it felt like coming home, because everywhere I turned I saw another face I remembered. I found out that out of the 82 people who came to the Summer Program last year, 35 ended up at the college.

These are all people I knew from the summer program, Mary Rose Malloy on the Left, Joe Ferrier in the Jester hat (he'll be a freshman next year) Tim Moore (on the right in the blue shirt), Pete Turrentine (in the red shirt) and his gf Mary Seitz (in the lower right).
After the barbaque I had a great Ultimate Frisbee game with Will, David, Pete, Slim (Ardem Mills), and Mike.
Later on we went to Freshman Orientation, where Assistant Dean McLean gave us all of the rules and guidelines, most of which was a review because we were given a handbook that I already read.
So I just hung around in the commons for awhile after that, and actually got engrossed in a long discussion over art with some guys. They were arguing that all art was subjective, in addition to beauty and the goodness of any piece of art. I took the view that because beauty is truth, and truth is God, and God is not subjective; therefore beauty and art are not subjective. At one point a senior came up and made a very good point (supporting my side), that some art is better than others because of what it represents, a piece of art which represents a saint or a human intrinsically is higher than a piece of art which portrays an animals or still life. And in addition to the subject of the portrayal/representation, another part of art which affects its goodness is the quality of the presentation.
Katie (the senior, at least I think that was her name) shortly became somewhat frustrated with us and left. That’s when Katie Milton (sophmore whom I know on BOL) came over and explained that though it wasn’t at all wrong for us to debate such hard question, we probably wouldn’t reach any agreement until we had gone over more basic things and built a foundation of definitions upon which we could work. So Freshman year is just about defining thing, and we don’t actually come to many conclusions.
Computer Room
St Bernadine Library
Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, California
Next, I arrived on campus and found out I was in the Sts. Peter and Paul dorm (the newest guys dorm, yay!) and that Will Bertain, who I met at the summer program, was my roommate. I met his parents, talked to him, and unpacked till about 5, and met Mary Rose Malloy, Mary Seitz, Pete Turrentine, and David Six on the way to dinner. Mary Rose was very disappointed that I had been on campus for 3 hours without hugging her. :roll:
The freshman barbeque was very fun, I met a ton of people I had known from the summer program, instead of moving to a new place it felt like coming home, because everywhere I turned I saw another face I remembered. I found out that out of the 82 people who came to the Summer Program last year, 35 ended up at the college.


These are all people I knew from the summer program, Mary Rose Malloy on the Left, Joe Ferrier in the Jester hat (he'll be a freshman next year) Tim Moore (on the right in the blue shirt), Pete Turrentine (in the red shirt) and his gf Mary Seitz (in the lower right).
After the barbaque I had a great Ultimate Frisbee game with Will, David, Pete, Slim (Ardem Mills), and Mike.
Later on we went to Freshman Orientation, where Assistant Dean McLean gave us all of the rules and guidelines, most of which was a review because we were given a handbook that I already read.
So I just hung around in the commons for awhile after that, and actually got engrossed in a long discussion over art with some guys. They were arguing that all art was subjective, in addition to beauty and the goodness of any piece of art. I took the view that because beauty is truth, and truth is God, and God is not subjective; therefore beauty and art are not subjective. At one point a senior came up and made a very good point (supporting my side), that some art is better than others because of what it represents, a piece of art which represents a saint or a human intrinsically is higher than a piece of art which portrays an animals or still life. And in addition to the subject of the portrayal/representation, another part of art which affects its goodness is the quality of the presentation.
Katie (the senior, at least I think that was her name) shortly became somewhat frustrated with us and left. That’s when Katie Milton (sophmore whom I know on BOL) came over and explained that though it wasn’t at all wrong for us to debate such hard question, we probably wouldn’t reach any agreement until we had gone over more basic things and built a foundation of definitions upon which we could work. So Freshman year is just about defining thing, and we don’t actually come to many conclusions.
Written 09-21-2004, 1248
Room 34
Sts. Peter and Paul Dormitory
Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, California
Well, for the past 2 days I’ve been way to busy to type up anything for my blog. It turns out that there were actually 3 other girls on that shuttle who were going to TAC, Gwyneth, Katherine (from Canada, eh?), and ?. We had a fun discussion with the prefect who drove us about whether the Civil War was justified (both the prefect and Gwyneth are from Virginia), and after having a meal at the Mexican restaurant the discussion turned to whether or not President Bush was a good man and a good president. I think that everybody agreed that President Bush was trying to be a good man, but Katherine and I were the only ones who thought he was a good president. It was rather interesting arguing against Americans with a Canadian that the American president was good. Katherine had an interesting perspective on how people outside of the United States viewed us. She said the Canadians hated the United States, not because the U.S. was arrogant of invaded Iraq, but because they viewed the US as a Christian country with a Christian president who tried to be moral, and they just couldn’t stand that. Kinda strange.
Room 34
Sts. Peter and Paul Dormitory
Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, California
Well, for the past 2 days I’ve been way to busy to type up anything for my blog. It turns out that there were actually 3 other girls on that shuttle who were going to TAC, Gwyneth, Katherine (from Canada, eh?), and ?. We had a fun discussion with the prefect who drove us about whether the Civil War was justified (both the prefect and Gwyneth are from Virginia), and after having a meal at the Mexican restaurant the discussion turned to whether or not President Bush was a good man and a good president. I think that everybody agreed that President Bush was trying to be a good man, but Katherine and I were the only ones who thought he was a good president. It was rather interesting arguing against Americans with a Canadian that the American president was good. Katherine had an interesting perspective on how people outside of the United States viewed us. She said the Canadians hated the United States, not because the U.S. was arrogant of invaded Iraq, but because they viewed the US as a Christian country with a Christian president who tried to be moral, and they just couldn’t stand that. Kinda strange.
Written 09-19-2004, 1134
Ventura Airporter Bus
En route from LAX to Oxnard Airport
The flight was uneventful, I picked up my baggage easily, and went out to wait for the Ventura Airporter bus. While waiting I spied a girl whom I took to be another TAC freshman. She was waiting for a bit, I noticed that she was fairly modestly dressed, with a long skirt and a sunhat. She also had a print out from the Ventura Airporter’s website.
When the Bus finally came I was proven right because as I helped her with her luggage I asked her if she was going to Thomas Aquinas and she was. However, I was distracted from talking to her because on the shuttle Gwyneth Owen, who was in my section for the summer program last year, greeted me. We chatted for a bit about what we had been doing, and now I’m writing up this blog entry.
Ventura Airporter Bus
En route from LAX to Oxnard Airport
The flight was uneventful, I picked up my baggage easily, and went out to wait for the Ventura Airporter bus. While waiting I spied a girl whom I took to be another TAC freshman. She was waiting for a bit, I noticed that she was fairly modestly dressed, with a long skirt and a sunhat. She also had a print out from the Ventura Airporter’s website.
When the Bus finally came I was proven right because as I helped her with her luggage I asked her if she was going to Thomas Aquinas and she was. However, I was distracted from talking to her because on the shuttle Gwyneth Owen, who was in my section for the summer program last year, greeted me. We chatted for a bit about what we had been doing, and now I’m writing up this blog entry.
Written 09-19-04, 0836, United Flight 7043 ORD-LAX
Altitude: 35000 feet
Ground Speed: 475 mph
Over Iowa
“So it begins...”
College. Some people fear college with a dreadful anticipation, while others look forward to it eagerly. I fall into the latter category, being anxious to begin this new stage of life. Ever since I finished the Summer Program at TAC last year, I’ve been impatient to return.
I’ve spent most of the last 18 years at home. I’ve only been taught outside of home for a total of 24 months, otherwise my mother has always been my teacher and my siblings are my classmates. Though I appreciate the better education and formation that I was able to receive, one can only remain at home so long, and the combination of my teacher and mother occasionally leads to conflicts.
So now on to Thomas Aquinas College in sunny California.
Why a such a small college so far away?
Having just read “Liberal Education as a Means to Freedom,” I shall attempt to answer this question.
Unlike many schools which claim to be the best of their kind, Thomas Aquinas claims to be the only school of its kind. Of course, there are many other schools which claim to teach the liberal arts, but Thomas Aquinas is the only one which teaches the traditional liberal arts.
What are the liberal arts? A good question, because Thomas Aquinas answers this question differently than almost all other liberal arts schools, which is what makes it different. When looking at the word “liberal” we know the root of the rot is “liber,” Latin for “Free.” What then, is a free art? Is it one in which we defy all restraints and boundaries, learning where our fancy takes us and disposing with conventions?
No, the “Liberal” in “Liberal Arts” refers to the freedom of man; the best education is one which will make man truly free. Though we do not have external slavery in the modern world, many people in our society are enslaved to their passions and internal impulses, which is just as bad as external slavery. Thus, in order to be truly free, one must have control over oneself, which requires knowledge. This knowledge is what enables us to have control over ourselves. Thus, a liberal education is that which truly makes one a real man in the world.
[Side note: While watching the in-flight movie “Bobby Jones, Stroke of Genius” I came across a good example of the difference between a free man and an enslaved man. Bobby Jones main rival in the U. S. Amateur Championship was telling him he could make a lot of money if he turned pro. Booby replied he wasn’t going to turn pro and was going to school next year. The other guy was astounded, he though Bobby could make a lot more money playing golf. Bobby played golf “for fun, and I wan to win.” His opponent played golf “for money, and I have to win.” The difference is apparent. One man enslaved to his passions who strives for money, the other who does what he enjoys and strives to increase his knowledge.]
Many modern liberal arts schools believe that the main focus of liberal arts is to teach the “humanities” as opposed to the “sciences.” From whence comes this artificial division? Supposedly the humanities, such as literature, history, and philosophy, are those studies that have to do with humans; and the sciences are those studies dealing with nature, or that which is outside of man. Because the sciences do not have apparently have little to do with men and human freedom, liberal arts schools do not focus on them. However, it is in science that we find the true freedom of man.
In the Classical Greek Liberal Education, there were the Trivium (Logic, Rhetoric, and ?) and the Quadrivium (Astronomy, Geometry, Music, and Mathematics). The Quadrivium are the sciences, and can basically be reduced to Astronomy and Music, because geometry is mainly used for the study of Astronomy and Mathematics for the understanding of Music. Now Astronomy and Mathematics are not practical sciences at all. We cannot chance the stars, and the knowledge of their courses is completely impractical, merely knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Music, though not quite as distant, is similarly of little application in the survival of life. Thus we see that the freedom found in liberal education enables men to study for nothing other than the sake of knowledge. Most of our life is not our own, we must take care of our body, and work, and sleep, and even amusement is necessary, so that the actual amount of time which we can devote to our mind is very little. Yet if we devote it to such things as raise our minds above that which is human, raise it to the stars...to music...to God, we are able to raise ourselves above the natural to the supernatural, which is man’s true end.
That is the true purpose of a liberal education, to free men so that they are able to attain their true goal...happiness with God.
Altitude: 35000 feet
Ground Speed: 475 mph
Over Iowa
“So it begins...”
College. Some people fear college with a dreadful anticipation, while others look forward to it eagerly. I fall into the latter category, being anxious to begin this new stage of life. Ever since I finished the Summer Program at TAC last year, I’ve been impatient to return.
I’ve spent most of the last 18 years at home. I’ve only been taught outside of home for a total of 24 months, otherwise my mother has always been my teacher and my siblings are my classmates. Though I appreciate the better education and formation that I was able to receive, one can only remain at home so long, and the combination of my teacher and mother occasionally leads to conflicts.
So now on to Thomas Aquinas College in sunny California.
Why a such a small college so far away?
Having just read “Liberal Education as a Means to Freedom,” I shall attempt to answer this question.
Unlike many schools which claim to be the best of their kind, Thomas Aquinas claims to be the only school of its kind. Of course, there are many other schools which claim to teach the liberal arts, but Thomas Aquinas is the only one which teaches the traditional liberal arts.
What are the liberal arts? A good question, because Thomas Aquinas answers this question differently than almost all other liberal arts schools, which is what makes it different. When looking at the word “liberal” we know the root of the rot is “liber,” Latin for “Free.” What then, is a free art? Is it one in which we defy all restraints and boundaries, learning where our fancy takes us and disposing with conventions?
No, the “Liberal” in “Liberal Arts” refers to the freedom of man; the best education is one which will make man truly free. Though we do not have external slavery in the modern world, many people in our society are enslaved to their passions and internal impulses, which is just as bad as external slavery. Thus, in order to be truly free, one must have control over oneself, which requires knowledge. This knowledge is what enables us to have control over ourselves. Thus, a liberal education is that which truly makes one a real man in the world.
[Side note: While watching the in-flight movie “Bobby Jones, Stroke of Genius” I came across a good example of the difference between a free man and an enslaved man. Bobby Jones main rival in the U. S. Amateur Championship was telling him he could make a lot of money if he turned pro. Booby replied he wasn’t going to turn pro and was going to school next year. The other guy was astounded, he though Bobby could make a lot more money playing golf. Bobby played golf “for fun, and I wan to win.” His opponent played golf “for money, and I have to win.” The difference is apparent. One man enslaved to his passions who strives for money, the other who does what he enjoys and strives to increase his knowledge.]
Many modern liberal arts schools believe that the main focus of liberal arts is to teach the “humanities” as opposed to the “sciences.” From whence comes this artificial division? Supposedly the humanities, such as literature, history, and philosophy, are those studies that have to do with humans; and the sciences are those studies dealing with nature, or that which is outside of man. Because the sciences do not have apparently have little to do with men and human freedom, liberal arts schools do not focus on them. However, it is in science that we find the true freedom of man.
In the Classical Greek Liberal Education, there were the Trivium (Logic, Rhetoric, and ?) and the Quadrivium (Astronomy, Geometry, Music, and Mathematics). The Quadrivium are the sciences, and can basically be reduced to Astronomy and Music, because geometry is mainly used for the study of Astronomy and Mathematics for the understanding of Music. Now Astronomy and Mathematics are not practical sciences at all. We cannot chance the stars, and the knowledge of their courses is completely impractical, merely knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Music, though not quite as distant, is similarly of little application in the survival of life. Thus we see that the freedom found in liberal education enables men to study for nothing other than the sake of knowledge. Most of our life is not our own, we must take care of our body, and work, and sleep, and even amusement is necessary, so that the actual amount of time which we can devote to our mind is very little. Yet if we devote it to such things as raise our minds above that which is human, raise it to the stars...to music...to God, we are able to raise ourselves above the natural to the supernatural, which is man’s true end.
That is the true purpose of a liberal education, to free men so that they are able to attain their true goal...happiness with God.
This morning I picked up Matt Netherton from the Great Lakes Naval Training Base at about 7 and we drove over to St. Peter's for 8 o'clock Mass.
We met Matt Ryan there, drove to his house, adn picked up Johnny to go waterskiing.
In the car I talked alot with Matt about the Navy and the other branches of the military, what his experiences with them were, and what he would reccommend if I ever joined the military, which I consider a possibility after college. It sounds like the Navy and the Airforce have the best educational programs and prepare you very well for a civilian job if you so desire, but while Matt ghouth the Navy was a better choice for a young single man he did say that he heard the Air Force catered better to familes, most likely because they have large bases instead of ships.
Matt N. and I were rather hungry, so we stopped at McDonald's on the way to the lake, knowing very well that Matt R. would highly disapprove (he did, later; but we weren't going to eat his super-spicy "Wasabi Trail Mix," which looked...too health-nutty. :P ).
We had the boat pushed off by 9:40 and both the Matt waterskiied (had a tricky time getting and staying up). I went out after them, practiced my wake-jumping and slaloming, and then I tried on the trick skiis for the first time. And they were tricky. The trick skiis are shorter and wider than a normal waterski, but the biggest difference is that they don't have any rudder. Because of the increased surface area, I popped right up out of the water, but once I was up I found that I had no control. If normal waterskiing is like zomming through the water, this was like bouncing on top of the water. I skidded around, trying to keep my balance (which I did) and figure out some way to control my travel. To no avail. I guess I'll have to ask my dad how to do it. I did have a spectacular wipeout though, and Johnny got a nice picture of it.
After that we cruised (and her I use Tommy's favorite term as it should be used!) back to the dock and picked up the tube. Johnny went out first on that, because he didn't really want to waterski. Everyone got to tube and drive a tuber. It should really be called "Extreme Tubing" because we were seriously having an insanely fun time out there. Well, the rest of us were, Matt R. kinda got knocked around alot and complained a bit. I guess us single guys are just willing to take a few more risks. ;) Anyway, all of us got at least three feet of air on some of the jumps going over the waves, and I fell so hard me first time that I bit my lip. It was actually rather fun to come abck on the boat after two more times spitting blood and saying "Oh, yeah I must've bit my lip awhile back." Side note: blood tastes good.
We finished up about 11:45, I said goodbye to Matt R. and Johnny and drove Matt back to the base. We talked about politics for awhile, which he was fairly knowledgeable about. I said goodbye to him, and I probably won't see him again till the New Year's Retreat at Marytown, unless he's in SEAL training then, in which case it will be even longer.
And that was only the first half of my day. More to come later.
[Note: Stupid Angelfire won't let me hotlink my image. I'll see if I can fix this, but for now try inputing "http://www.angelfire.com/rings/turelio/DSC07385sm.jpeg" into your browser window.]
We met Matt Ryan there, drove to his house, adn picked up Johnny to go waterskiing.
In the car I talked alot with Matt about the Navy and the other branches of the military, what his experiences with them were, and what he would reccommend if I ever joined the military, which I consider a possibility after college. It sounds like the Navy and the Airforce have the best educational programs and prepare you very well for a civilian job if you so desire, but while Matt ghouth the Navy was a better choice for a young single man he did say that he heard the Air Force catered better to familes, most likely because they have large bases instead of ships.
Matt N. and I were rather hungry, so we stopped at McDonald's on the way to the lake, knowing very well that Matt R. would highly disapprove (he did, later; but we weren't going to eat his super-spicy "Wasabi Trail Mix," which looked...too health-nutty. :P ).
We had the boat pushed off by 9:40 and both the Matt waterskiied (had a tricky time getting and staying up). I went out after them, practiced my wake-jumping and slaloming, and then I tried on the trick skiis for the first time. And they were tricky. The trick skiis are shorter and wider than a normal waterski, but the biggest difference is that they don't have any rudder. Because of the increased surface area, I popped right up out of the water, but once I was up I found that I had no control. If normal waterskiing is like zomming through the water, this was like bouncing on top of the water. I skidded around, trying to keep my balance (which I did) and figure out some way to control my travel. To no avail. I guess I'll have to ask my dad how to do it. I did have a spectacular wipeout though, and Johnny got a nice picture of it.

After that we cruised (and her I use Tommy's favorite term as it should be used!) back to the dock and picked up the tube. Johnny went out first on that, because he didn't really want to waterski. Everyone got to tube and drive a tuber. It should really be called "Extreme Tubing" because we were seriously having an insanely fun time out there. Well, the rest of us were, Matt R. kinda got knocked around alot and complained a bit. I guess us single guys are just willing to take a few more risks. ;) Anyway, all of us got at least three feet of air on some of the jumps going over the waves, and I fell so hard me first time that I bit my lip. It was actually rather fun to come abck on the boat after two more times spitting blood and saying "Oh, yeah I must've bit my lip awhile back." Side note: blood tastes good.
We finished up about 11:45, I said goodbye to Matt R. and Johnny and drove Matt back to the base. We talked about politics for awhile, which he was fairly knowledgeable about. I said goodbye to him, and I probably won't see him again till the New Year's Retreat at Marytown, unless he's in SEAL training then, in which case it will be even longer.
And that was only the first half of my day. More to come later.
[Note: Stupid Angelfire won't let me hotlink my image. I'll see if I can fix this, but for now try inputing "http://www.angelfire.com/rings/turelio/DSC07385sm.jpeg" into your browser window.]
So, this last week I've decided that I'm going to try to go ot WYD 2005 with the YMI.
Here's the site for their pilgrimage:
The itinerary sounds amazing just in itself:
In the Footsteps of Pope John Paul II & St. Maximilian Kolbe:
• Depart Chicago O’Hare
• Arrive in Paris & enjoy sightseeing tour
• Explore the world famous Notre Dame Cathedral
• Visit Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Chapel, where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1830
• Pray before the incorrupt body of St. Catherine Laboure
• Arrive in Poland & celebrate Mass at Shrine of Divine Mercy
• Pray before the tomb of St. Faustina
• Visit birthplace home of Pope John Paul II & the church he attended as a youth
• Visit Auschwitz, one of the most notorious Nazi concentration camps
• Pray before the cell where St. Maximilian Kolbe was martyred
• Explore the Martyrdom Museum
• Visit Our Lady of Czestochowa - Poland’s most famous Marian shrine
• Visit Zakopane & take cable car ride
• Pray before the miraculous Infant Child of Prague
• Sightseeing of Cologne & world famous cathedral
• Attend World Youth Day Opening Ceremonies
• Visit the Cathedral of Aachen with its Four Great Relics
• Visit the Cathedral of Trier with its “Holy Robe” of Christ
• Visit St. Matthias Abbey & pray before the tomb of the apostle
• Pilgrimage walk, vigil, & Mass with Pope John Paul II
• Grand finale - Closing Mass with Pope John Paul II
• Festive Farewell Dinner
• Return Chicago O’Hare for Closing Mass
Now all I have to do is find $2300 to go there, $500 by the end of the month. My currents plans involve sponsorship, possibly by the diocese or KoC, so I'll be calling them tomorrow.
But I had so much fun on the 2002 WYD that I'm going to do everything I can to go on this one.
Here's the site for their pilgrimage:
The itinerary sounds amazing just in itself:
In the Footsteps of Pope John Paul II & St. Maximilian Kolbe:
• Depart Chicago O’Hare
• Arrive in Paris & enjoy sightseeing tour
• Explore the world famous Notre Dame Cathedral
• Visit Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Chapel, where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1830
• Pray before the incorrupt body of St. Catherine Laboure
• Arrive in Poland & celebrate Mass at Shrine of Divine Mercy
• Pray before the tomb of St. Faustina
• Visit birthplace home of Pope John Paul II & the church he attended as a youth
• Visit Auschwitz, one of the most notorious Nazi concentration camps
• Pray before the cell where St. Maximilian Kolbe was martyred
• Explore the Martyrdom Museum
• Visit Our Lady of Czestochowa - Poland’s most famous Marian shrine
• Visit Zakopane & take cable car ride
• Pray before the miraculous Infant Child of Prague
• Sightseeing of Cologne & world famous cathedral
• Attend World Youth Day Opening Ceremonies
• Visit the Cathedral of Aachen with its Four Great Relics
• Visit the Cathedral of Trier with its “Holy Robe” of Christ
• Visit St. Matthias Abbey & pray before the tomb of the apostle
• Pilgrimage walk, vigil, & Mass with Pope John Paul II
• Grand finale - Closing Mass with Pope John Paul II
• Festive Farewell Dinner
• Return Chicago O’Hare for Closing Mass
Now all I have to do is find $2300 to go there, $500 by the end of the month. My currents plans involve sponsorship, possibly by the diocese or KoC, so I'll be calling them tomorrow.
But I had so much fun on the 2002 WYD that I'm going to do everything I can to go on this one.
Last Tuesday I went with the Suchomskis to see "The Bourne Supremacy." Actually, it turns out only Tim was allowed to see it, so Chris, Moe, Pete, Mary, and Poncho went to see "I, Robot."
"The Bourne Supremacy" was quite as good as I thought it would be, the plot was compelling, the characters moving, and the action scenes were extremely realistic, with none of the obvious special effects that other action films usually use.
Some of the coolest scenes were when Bourne (Matt Damon) called people on a cell phone, and talked to them, while they were unaware he was viewing them through the high-powered lens of his sniper rifle. When he said something that let them know he was there, their reaction was as expected...fear, shock, surprise, and confusion all mixed together.
The car chase scene was better thant eh first one too, which I didn't think was possible. A Taxicab against two souped-up Police cars and a Mercededs SUV, and who wins? By his flawless (though not for the car) driving, Damon manages to pull off one of the best chase scenes I've ever seen.
The ending was unexpected, and lent a moral depth to the movie and Damon's character.
"The Bourne Supremacy" was quite as good as I thought it would be, the plot was compelling, the characters moving, and the action scenes were extremely realistic, with none of the obvious special effects that other action films usually use.
Some of the coolest scenes were when Bourne (Matt Damon) called people on a cell phone, and talked to them, while they were unaware he was viewing them through the high-powered lens of his sniper rifle. When he said something that let them know he was there, their reaction was as expected...fear, shock, surprise, and confusion all mixed together.
The car chase scene was better thant eh first one too, which I didn't think was possible. A Taxicab against two souped-up Police cars and a Mercededs SUV, and who wins? By his flawless (though not for the car) driving, Damon manages to pull off one of the best chase scenes I've ever seen.
The ending was unexpected, and lent a moral depth to the movie and Damon's character.
Tonight I pretty big waterskiing party. Tim, Chris, Moe, Joe, Johnny, Mary, and I all went out on my grandpa's boat at about 6. Since there wasn't room for my dad on the boat he let me take it out my myself, which was pretty fun. We started out waterskiing, and Chris did very well, getting up great, but he still couldn't figure out how to stay up on one ski. Same with Tim. I just they just lack my skiing skill. :P
Joe and Mary also tried skiing. Joe did pretty well, and I think one of the reasons he didn't really get up was because he's kinda big and there were alot of people ont he boat, so there may not have been enough power to get him up. Mary actually got up for a few seconds, but she kept doing the splits, which meant that she only had a few tries before she was very sore.
Oh, and I went waterskiing too, dropped a ski a couple of time no problem. ;)
Only I couldn't get up on one ski. :(
Then we went back tot he dock and picked up the tube for some more fun. Johnny, Mary, and Chris all tubed, and everyone got to drive the boat for a bit. The tubing was rather intense, all done at full speed with lots of sharp turns. I don't think anyone just stopped tubing, they all got flipped. :P
The last thing we did was a "wake run" where I did alot of long dashes and sharp turn so we hit our own wake. Johhny, Chris, and Moe especially liked it, as they were all at the front of the boat pretending to be Superman. I tried to knock them off, but to no avail.
After that we headed back to the dock and packed up. We dropped Mary off, picked up Tommy, and headed to Krispy Kremes for a nice snack and chat.
Joe and Mary also tried skiing. Joe did pretty well, and I think one of the reasons he didn't really get up was because he's kinda big and there were alot of people ont he boat, so there may not have been enough power to get him up. Mary actually got up for a few seconds, but she kept doing the splits, which meant that she only had a few tries before she was very sore.
Oh, and I went waterskiing too, dropped a ski a couple of time no problem. ;)
Only I couldn't get up on one ski. :(
Then we went back tot he dock and picked up the tube for some more fun. Johnny, Mary, and Chris all tubed, and everyone got to drive the boat for a bit. The tubing was rather intense, all done at full speed with lots of sharp turns. I don't think anyone just stopped tubing, they all got flipped. :P
The last thing we did was a "wake run" where I did alot of long dashes and sharp turn so we hit our own wake. Johhny, Chris, and Moe especially liked it, as they were all at the front of the boat pretending to be Superman. I tried to knock them off, but to no avail.
After that we headed back to the dock and packed up. We dropped Mary off, picked up Tommy, and headed to Krispy Kremes for a nice snack and chat.
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