

Even though there are some truly nice people at work, occasionally it's clear they're not the brightest of the bunch, though it does make some good laughter.
For example, who couldn't crack up when a supervisor says about some expired sandwiches, "Them aren't no good."
But even better are the spellings of the kitchen crew, who are almost all Hispanic. Most of them are trying to learn English, and I can't fault them for having some truoble with our crazy spelling, but sometimes the labelsin the coller are a bit hard to figure out. Try these:
Grannberri Salad
Bowti w/ Asparragos

My absolute favorite ever has to be "Cronci Colso." Betcha can't tell me what that was.

And sometimes the managers attempts at advertising are somewhat laughable, e.g., the stickers for the Buffalo Turkey sandwich: "Sunset's Very Own Buffalo Turkey Sandwich...It's kicked up a knitch with a Panini roll...BAM!!!"

Right then.
Anyways, even though it's a good job, and I love the regular hours, I've asked my dad to see if he can get me a job next year in the computer industry, something paying a bit more, so hopefully that'll work out.

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