
Contrary to the calims of some people *cough* it was very easy to fix my computer because I have Windows XP, and therefore all I had to do was load a system restore point, and Voila! ... it's fixed. :D

However, the air conditioning in our house broke soon after.
Which is not fun.
Especially in a heat wave.

Although there was a funny moment at work the other day. I was waiting on a couple who both had heavy French accents, and after the husband had ordered some stuff, the wife said "I think I like some Domestic Swiss." I pointed to it, to make sure, and said "This?" She asked, "Does eet haf holes?" I looked a bit confused, and showed her the holes. "Ah, since it has holes I will haf haf pound."

Mmhmm. Swiss cheese does tend to "haf holes."

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