
Father's Day

I had a pretty good Father's day. After Mass, my grandfather (Pop) came over, and I went with Peter, Caroline, my dad, and Pop to shoot Peter's BB gun in the forest. We had a good time out there, shooting beer cans off of sticks. Everyone did really well, and had a great time. Carloine amazed everyone by shooting the can with her first two shots. I did tolerably well, setting the record for consecutive shots with four hitting the mini-can (one of those really small coke cans that last about 1 swallow)
Later on, we met Pop again at Uncle Bob's and Aunt Laura's, who were away with their three kids at baseball games, and got ready to put Pop's boat in the water. We worked it out of the traffic jam caused by the wedding reception down the street, got it past the pollice officers standing around the launching area, and finally discovered that...there was no plug in the bottom of the boat, and it would sink if launched.
This was cause for some mild concern, followed by everyone searching for it, and not finding it. So we'll have to launch the boat some other time.

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