
Saturday the 28th.

Today all the freshmen were asked to attend the school tug-of-war and picnic at the athletic field at 3:45 “wearing casual clothes.”
Well, I think we all know what that means. ;)
I arrived early with some guys and we had a short game of Ultimate Frisbee before the inter-class tug-of-war began. They had a rope between 200-300 feet long, and one lcass would line up on one side, another class on another side, and they would attempt to pull each other into a wading pool filled with mud placed between the two classes. The first two matches were Juniors vs. Seniors and Freshman vs. Sophomores. The younger class always won as a result of the way the program here works, that people can leave or transfer out, but all incoming transfers start in the freshman class. Then the two winning teams, the freshman and juniors, held a championship tug of war. We won easily, but instead up just leaving the upperclassmen predictably ran over, grabbed all the freshman guys, and dunked them in the pool. Because I was one fo the first in line I figured that it wasn’t the best idea to resist, seeing as it was me against four juniors, so I just held really tightly to their hands as they carried me towards the pool and dragged two of them in after me. There ensued a mud fight that lasted about 15-20 minutes. Some of us went down to the ponds after and cleaned off down there. So instead of being muddy we smelled like algae. How fun.

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