Saturday, September 04, 2004
This morning Dominic Hayden and I joined David in going to town with his uncle. We first went to Men’s Warehouse to get a suit for David, which was rather boring. Then we went to Costco and target where we all restocked on personal item. Lunch was really great though, we went to BJ’s and got Chicago-style Pizza, and although it wasn’t as good as Portillo’s or Gino’s East it was very good. His uncle was a pretty fun guy, a republican Catholic, which made the conversation fairly easy. He works at Northrop Grumann in systems management, so I talked with him a fair amount about aircraft and Norththrop’s integrated systems approach. And he gave me a cool calendar from his work. :-)
The sophomore-freshman dance started tonight at 7:30. Of course, I was yelled at for dancing before we were supposed to. Well, cmon, what do they expect if they put on swing music, put a lot of guys and girls together and call it a dance?
Anyway, we weren’t supposed to because the sophomores put on a pretty funny skit introducing us to life at TAC.
The TAC glossary as presented by the Class of ‘07.
Homeschooling: the second most characteristic practice of married alumni. Usually follows breastfeeding.
Dating: the mating ritual order to the selection of a marriage partner, advisable only for second semester senior who have completed their senior thesis.
Cultural diversity. That means something entirely different on this campus. Cultural diversity is reading Greek and Roman authors in the same seminar.
Woman’s studies: what usually occurs in the girls dormitories when the girls are not sleeping.
Woman’s liberation: the sacrament of matrimony.
Don rags: an occasion each semester for your tutors to talk behind your back to your face.
Ten-foot pole: that with which the dorms of the opposite sex should not be able to be touched.
TAC time: at least 20 minutes behind PST.
Vocational training: being an altar server
Drug abuse: taking nine children’s aspirin in lieu of a novena to St. Joseph.
Napkin: a paper-writing surface available in the dining room and convenient for drawing mathematical objects and other diagrams when blackboard and chalk is not available.
Argument: A principle discourse consisting of premises and conclusions aimed at convincing a fellow seeker of truth. It usually doesn’t work out so nice.
[I'll type about hte rest of the night later]