
Personal Log

Yesterday was my birthday, and I actually had a pretty fun day. I spent most of the morning reading "Red Rabbit" by Tom Clancy. (review coming later) Then in the afternoon, severla of the oompas, actually most of them (Joe, Johnny, Tommy, Chris, Tim, and Moe) came over for a round of golf, which was fun but cold, and came to my house afterwards for a grillout. After that some of my relatives and the friars from the local monastery (Marytown) came over and we all had cherry cake and chocolate chip ice cream. Later after the other guests had left I showed Tim, Chris, Moe, and Tommy (Joe and Johhny had left for driver's ed) my awesome dual LCD monitor computer in the basement, after which they ransacked my basement looking for spare computer parts which they wanted for free. ("No Tommy, you cannot have the serial ATA 80 gig hard drive for free, here, take this old network card. Now be happy and lave me alone.")
Than Elizabeth called (the best part of my birthday) and after I was on the phone for about 15 minutes the oompas figured out I wasn't going to be getting off anytime soon, so they left, and my Lizzy and I talked in peace.
(well, on my end at least, hers was a bit more exciting from the background noises I heard, and little sibling can be annoying.)

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