
Book Review

"The Rumsfeld Way"
by, (will look it up later)

Half bio half instructional, this book is interesting, but not superb.
In insturcting you in how to use Rumfeldian techniques in your life, it gives an in-depth look at the secretary of defense and his life. You learnt to see how he thought and why he did what he did, from leving the Nixon administration before Watergate to returning to salvage what he could of the Ford administration. His ruthless yet legal methods are documented in this short volume. It is also an instructional book, giving valuable lessons on how to survive office politics by remaining above the fray. However, it ontaied precious few lessons that could be applicable to my life, yet I enjoyed learning abou the background behind the dry-witted "Rummy."
A good book, sepecially if you like Rumsfeld.

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