
See? This is what my Liberal Arts TAC Education is good for.

Antigone Quiz
"You answered 9 items out of 10 correctly.
Your score is 90%. Excellent job!"
I forgot that it was Tiresias, not Haemon, who made Creon see that he was wrong.

Jane Austen Quiz

"You answered 13 items out of 26 correctly.
Your score is 50%. You may want to practice more."
Not so hot. I've only read two of her books so far though.

Pride and Prejudice Quiz
"You answered 9 items out of 12 correctly.
Your score is 75%. Good job!"
Not bad. Didn't know the year it was published, the first 4 words of the book, or who paid ickham to marry Lydia.

Well, they were fun to take. More can be found here.


Kate said...

100% on the two Austen quizzes. . . :D And lol, the first sentence of P & P might be more of a girl thing to remember. . .

So why have you only read two? Are you another Austen endurer, not fan?

Bruski said...

I liked them the first time I read them, but they weren't my favorites, so I'd put myself somewhere between "endured" and "rabid fan."

I did like Pride and Prejudice though, but after writing a report on Emma I hated that book.

Anonymous said...

9/10(where it was set got me), 13/26, 10/12 (when it was written? and the first words, I said fact instead of truth I knew it was one of the two.