
St. Valentine's Day

Today to classes, then after classes I went out with Mose, and Will ( my roommate) and his gf Michelle, since he really wanted to take her out, but didn't feel comfortable going alone, and three other couples backed out, and I'm good friends with Mose. We went to a really nice Chinese Restaurant, with very decent prices, and a cool fountain in the middle. The four of us had a great time, and even met a graduate of TAC who was working at the restaurant.

After we got back I had a seminar on Dante's Purgatorio, and we ended up talking alot about love, and true love, and selfless love. We focused on a quote where Dante first meets Beatrice, his first love, whom he betrayed in a manner of speaking, and we discussed his love for her, and how it was imperfect, and whether or not human love could be perfect. This also tied into happiness, because she rebuked him for approching the mountain, "because you know here men are happy." Some people thought that seeking happiness was wrong for him, because he had rejected her, and his religion, but I was more fo the mind that he was rebuked because he had not approched this happiness in the proper way. It seemed disordered, in a way, that he who would come to heaven should pass through Hell, the place without any hope of heaven.
However, even we had to cut the discussion off, we were told we would get to discuss some of the same things next night.

Finally, after seminar there was a fun dance in the Coffee shop till curfew.

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