Ninja come to "Asian Mardi Gras" Dance not unprepared.

Ninja must have fan club.

Ninja also must dance with pretty girl to show off her pretty dress.

Ninja blend into background in order to better show off pretty girl.

Photographer, Philosopher, Teacher, Dancer
Gamer, Debater, and Adventurer Extraordinaire
So, were you the ninja?
Yeah, apparently someone dancing with you wasn't a hundred percent sure who you were at one point. . .she was telling me later, it was very amusing.
It looks like Ninj4's fans aren't too sure that they're safe ;p
Aw, come on, I wouldn't hurt a girl Rose.
As for those guys, it is true that they might not be that safe. *shrugs*
But black knives aren't meant to be seen anyways.
NINJ4 for teh win.
Lol...*shouldn't mention the unmentionable about dancing*
Nice site!
[url=http://pulrlrdm.com/efqf/dvpx.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://kipwzdfl.com/kaee/abgk.html]Cool site[/url]
Well done!
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Well done!
http://pulrlrdm.com/efqf/dvpx.html | http://ipqlardk.com/sfav/lxco.html
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