
The TAC Weekly Poll

This Week’s Question was:
If TAC Built an Airport, What Should They Call It?

10.81% though the airport code should be something like TAX or QED

5.83% expressed doubt about the legitimacy of this airport with such answers such as Mudslide, Here Birdy Birdy, Big john Almeida International Airport, Utopia, or The Airport Bar.

Of all literary references, 7.69% responded with The First Circle of Hell. (as in “You are now landing in the First Circle of Hell”)

Nearly 7% though it should be called Henry Teichert International Airport

Here’s What the Tutors Said:
Mr. Coughlin: “St. Glen Coughlin Airport”
Miss Zedlick: “Stairway to Heaven”
Mr. Nieto: “The Flying Elephant Airport”
Mr. Wodzinski: “Air-Istotle Airport”
Mr. Dragoo: “The Holy Helipad”
Miss Day: “High-Minded Field”
74 random individuals were polled between 12pm (noon) Thursday and 12pm Friday last week
For Complaints and criticism, Blame: CALTrans, and the broken roads.
For positive feedback, contact: Will Dowdy

P.S. I don’t understand it either. This week, the tutors were actually funny. Must be that long walk.

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