
Link, Tuesday, June 19th

Because I know I haven't been posting at all, and because summer hasn't been that interesting, I think I might start having posts consisting mainly of links to news and other things online I find interesting, perhaps with commentary.

Tesla Roadster
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As compared to most of the other hybrid cars, which, as Scott Adams has pointed out, look like they're screaming out, "I'm a pathetic environmentalist nerd!", this car actually looks really cool. And 0 to 60 in four seconds is nothing to sniff at, nor is the equivalent of 135 mpg. The only downside seems to be the sticker shock that might be caused by the $92,000 price tag. But it still looks really cool.

Harry Reid: "The Surge has failed!"
Guys from the Surge: "But...we haven't started yet..."

Jimmy Carter on why we should've recognized Hamas
Remind me what the difference is between recognizing Hamas (a democratically elected terrorist group, that's remarkably well organized and efficient...at killing people), and recognizing the Nazi government in Germany (a democratically elected terrorist group, that was remarkably well organized and efficient...at killing people).
Normally Nazi analogies seem hyperbolic, but in this case, it seems to fit rather well. They both even have stated goals to kill Jews (although currently the Palestinians seem too busy killing each other)
"But they organized the attack so well! They showed superior skills and discipline in murdering civilians and engaging in terrorism! Jimmy Carter must have been so proud ..." - Captains Quarters

Fred Thompson #1 in most recent national poll
"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson earning support from 28% of Likely Republican Primary Voters. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani attracts support from 27%. While Thompson’s one-point edge is statistically insignificant, it is the first time all year that anybody but Giuliani has been on top in Rasmussen Reports polling. A week ago, Thompson and Giuliani were tied at 24%."
Surprise! Give the Republicans the option of electing a real conservative candidate, and they'll vote for him! Who'd a thunk it?

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