
TAC labeled on Wikimapia by me


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmn. It looks like a giant question mark.

Bruski said...

Well, we're seeking the truth, but we don't have it yet, so clearly it follows.

You can mouse over the squares and look at their names and get more info too.

Anonymous said...

That first comment was me. Forgot to click on "other" and add my name.

So which building do you live in? Which way is North?

Inquiring minds need to know....

Anonymous said...

You're kidding right - that's the sewage pond?! And here I had it envisioned as a scenic little vista, with a walking path and maybe a fountain in the middle, a couple families of ducks....

Bruski said...

I live in Sts. Peter and Pauls. The first two years I was on the second story, north side, in the middle next to Father Michael, this year I'll be on the lower loevel, not quite sure where.