
Still feeling fine...

Apparently I was blessed enough not to have to go through alot of aching and pain, because it's been over 24 hours since the operation and I'm still feeling fine. it does hurt when I move the musccles in my cheeks to spit (I discovered this while brushing my teeth) but other then that I feel ok.
The operation itself was rather underwhelming. I was hooked up to an ekg and blood pressure monitor, then they put and IV into my left arm (they couldn't find a vein in the right, and there was a nice mark in the left where I usually give blood, and then suddenly it was an hour later, and they said I was done.
I had some gauze pads in my mouth for several hours to staunch the bleeding, but it wasn't that bad. And I get to eat yogurt, smo0thies, and ice cream for a few days, which is a pretty good deal.
I have to run now, we're going to the Eucharistic Rally in Grant Park today with Francis Cardinal George. I'll be sure to take pics and post some here.

1 comment:

Kate said...

They hooked you up to all that? Did they knock you out? They just numbed my mouth and yanked my teeth out as I watched, but blessedly, barely felt.

Glad you're not in a whole lot of pain.