
First week back at college

Getting back to college has been great. It's like coming to a second home, where you know everyone and are completely comfortable.
Of course, and few things have changed, the seniors have moved on, and there's a new bunch of freshmen who moved it. It does feel a bit odd at first not being the youngest class there, and actually having the teach the freshmen about some of the tradition of the college, but it's pretty fun. And one of the traditions is that the sophomores teach the freshmen how to dance, which I think is extremely fun. It was a good thing I taught dancing over the summer though, because though some of the freshmen take naturally to it (typically more of the girls) some of them do need to be taught. Although the Canadian guys all seem to know swing-dancing very well, so I've been trading moves with them.
As regarding the actual learning I'm doing here, this year seems like it will be a great one. The Sophomore readings are quite interesting. We study Chemistry for Lab, Sts. Augustine and Anselm for Theology, Ptolemy, Kepler, and Copernicus for Math (Astronomy really), more Latin, and Roman writers for Philosophy and Seminar.
But not only are the readings cool, but my section is completely awesome, with a bunch talkers, so our discussions tend to be extremely lively and animated. It can sometimes be hard to get a word in edgewise, but even with all the shouting we somehow manage to get something done. (although today my roommate Will had to bang on the table a few times)
And not only is my section great, but our tutor lineup is just perfect. We have Mr. Dacaen for Lab (which is his specialty), and Mr. Clark for Math (which is *his* specialty), Mr. Wodzinski for Philosophy (who was my favorite tutor last year for Math), and Dr. McArthur for Theology (who actually taught the president of the college along with the current Dean and Will's dad, who regards him as somewhat of a demi-god (I'll have to remember to relate the story of the Dante Statue later, along with pictures)).
I also have Miss Zedlick for Lab, who...seems like she'll be very interesting. Her accent, sentence construction, grading, and teaching style are all very very German.

So anyways, College life is good, and Ultimate Frisbee rules.

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