So Fiona and Will were arguing over the prop, because they both wanted it, when Bridget said, "I heard he took volunteers in the morning section."
Will shouted, "Good!"
And then Fiona said in her inimitable quiet fiesty cute Fiona-voice,
"Don't you dare!
...I'm cuter than you!"
Will shrugged and looked mildly flustered, everyone else laughed, and Fiona blushed.
The general concensus was that she was the winner hands-down.
I leave it to your judgement.

Will, tossing around a hunk of pie dough for some reason, which gives him great joy.
Btw, Fiona got the prop, because when Mr. Clark said, "I'll take a volunteer, while Will half-heartedlyraised his hand, Fiona said (and Fiona speaking is a rarity in class) cheerfully, "I'll do it!"
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